Cooking & Gardening

"Cooking & Gardening" by Kendra Heppner

Our Lego League team is doing a project to help promote our favorite hobbies in Warroad!

I like gardening and cooking because it’s fun to watch your plants grow and then you make your food into a dish for your family. If you keep the seeds then you can do it all over again. It’s a repeating, never ending cycle. 

My favorite gardening & cooking resources or mentors? My best friend’s mom gardens & goes to the Farmer’s Market. I think going to any local Farmer's Market is a good place to learn. My grandpa grows pumpkins every year and my grandma has a big garden. I have learned a lot from them. There are lots of local garden clubs to connect and learn from, too. 

My advice for someone just starting out gardening and cooking? 

1. First, you should begin with houseplants, that are already grown. Then go with an easy thing to start from seed, like grass, then move on to simple flowers. 

2. Don’t let people do everything for you, if you have a favorite thing to eat, learn how to make it yourself. The first thing I learned how to make was macaroni, but then I really liked stir fry, so I learned how to make orange chicken with asian toasted sesame.

3. If you are gardening and something dies, don’t let that stop you. You can always assess and see what might have gone wrong and then try a different approach. Deer & bugs happen to be good gardeners, too.

Thank you!

Cooking & Gardening Sculpture Inspiration:

My Sculpture Sketch:

My Sculpture Model: